We are delighted to announce that we will have an Climate physics talk given by Prof.Axel Timmermann (Director of IBS Center for Climate Physics / distinguished professor of Pusan National University) , on 28th of October.
Title : The Physics of Global Warming
Speaker : Prof. Axel Timmermann
Date&Time : Wednesday, October 28th, 2020. 16:30 KST
Place : Not decided
Global Warming is real. Over the past 100 years our planet has warmed by ~1 degree Celsius. The majority of the warming since the 1950s can be attributed to human activities, namely fossil fuel burning. Climate model simulations show that this warming will continue, unless severe reductions of greenhouse gas emissions are imposed worldwide. Climate scientists are confident about these conclusions, because their understanding of the climate system is rooted in the equations of physics.
This presentation will give a brief overview into the physics of our climate system and its response to past, present and future radiative perturbations. We will discuss the key differences between weather and climate, the concepts of initial value and boundary value problems, the notion of internal versus forced climate variability and the fundamental thermodynamic, hydrodynamic, chemical and radiation equations that describe the coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice-land-carbon cycle system. Towards the end of my presentation I will show some new computer model simulations that capture the effects of increased greenhouse gas emissions on our planet with an unprecedented spatial resolution.
[Colloquium] Prof. Axel Timmermann (IBS Center for Climate Physics / Pusan National University) , Oct. 28, 2020