[Colloquium] Prof. Hiroko Watanabe (Tohoku Univerisity) Nov. 26th, 2014

제목: Neutrino Physics with KamLAND

연사: Prof. Hiroko Watanabe (Tohoku Univerisity)

일시: 2014 1126(오후 4:30

장소: 1과학관 31214  첨단e+강의실

초록: The Kamioka Liquid-scintillator Anti-Neutrino Detector (KamLAND) is located in a rock cavern in
the Kamioka mine, 1,000 m below the summit of Mt. Ikenoyama in Japan.  The 2,700 meter water
equivalent overburden reduces the cosmic ray flux by a factor of roughly 10^-5 compared with the surface flax.
KamLAND is marked by the ability to detect low-energy antineutrino signals at 1,000 tons of ultra pure liquid
scintillator through the inverse beta reaction.  We demonstrated the oscillation nature of neutrino flavor
transformation by observing electron antineutrinos from nuclear reactors and neutrino properties have been explored precisely.
Since neutrino interact with other particles only via weak interaction, they have extremely low reaction probabilities.
Such elusive property of neutrinos provides us with the ability to investigate optically invisible deep interior of
the astronomical objects, such as the Earth.  Neutrino measurement evolved understanding of neutrino properties to
utilization of neutrino as a “probe”.

In this talk, I will present overview of neutrino physics with KamLAND, including reactor neutrino, geo-neutrino
and extraterrestrial neutrino measurement results.

[Colloquium] Prof. Hiroko Watanabe (Tohoku Univerisity) Nov. 26th, 2014