[Seminar] Dr. Arman Esmaili (SNUT), Sep. 1st, 2014

Dr. Arman Esmaili from SNUT(Seoul National University of Science and Technology) will have a seminar on September 1st.

He will give a seminar at 4pm in the library in the seminar room on the second floor. Dr. Esmaili will talk about:

Probing new physics scenarios by IceCube atmospheric neutrino data

Abstract: Atmospheric neutrino data collected by IceCube provides the opportunity to probe new physics unprecedentedly, both due to high statistics and the high energy range. In this talk I will discuss the signatures of new physics scenarios in atmospheric neutrino data, including: light sterile neutrinos, non-standard neutrino interactions, violation of equivalence principle and large extra dimension models. I will present the current constraints on these scenarios obtained by analyzing the IC-40 and IC-79 data sets. Also the sensitivity prospect of the IceCube/DeepCore will be discussed.

[Seminar] Dr. Arman Esmaili (SNUT), Sep. 1st, 2014