[Seminar] Dr. Morten Medici (Niels Bohr Institute), Feb. 20th, 2017

We are delighted to announce that there is a seminar with Dr. Morten Medici in Sungkyunkwan University Natural Science Campus on February 20th. Please join and welcome his talk together.

* Speaker: Dr. Morten Medici (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen)
* Time: Feb. 20th (Mon.), 1:00 PM
* Location: Seminar room, 7th floor of Samsung Library, Sungkyunkwan Univ. Natural Science Campus

* Title: Why ice at the S​outh pole can be used to constrain D​ark M​atter self-annihilation
* Abstract: In popular models for dark matter, the self-annilation of dark matter particles will create neutrinos that can be detected on Earth. An excess flux of neutrinos is thus expected from regions with increased dark matter density, like the centre of the Milky Way. The IceCube neutrino observatory, a cubic-kilometer neutrino detector at the South Pole, is capable of detecting neutrinos down to energies about 10 GeV, and is therefore capable of constraining the self-annihilation cross section as a function of the mass of the dark matter particle. This seminar presents the analysis method and results obtained from searching for dark matter particles annihilating in the centre of the Milky Way with the IceCube detector.

[Seminar] Dr. Morten Medici (Niels Bohr Institute), Feb. 20th, 2017