[Seminar] Dr. Patrick de Niverville (IBS-CTPU), Mar. 27th, 2018

We are delighted to announce that there is a seminar of Dr. Patrick de Niverville in Sungkyunkwan University Natural Science Campus on March 27th. Please join and welcome his talk together.

* Speaker: Dr. Patrick de Niverville (IBS-CTPU)
* Time: Mar. 27th (Tue.), 3:00 PM
* Location: Seminar room, 7th floor of Samsung Library, Sungkyunkwan Univ. Natural Science Campus

* Title: Searching for Light Dark Matter with Fixed Target Experiments
* Abstract: There is compelling evidence for the existence of dark matter, a non-baryonic source of mass that dominates the matter density of the Universe. Its precise particle nature remains unknown, as it has yet to be unambiguously detected by any non-gravitational search. We consider a model of light (sub-GeV) Hidden Sector WIMP dark matter that escapes many of the bounds placed by current dark matter searches. Such low mass dark matter candidates, if produced as a thermal relic in the early universe, must be accompanied by light mediators in order to reproduce the dark matter abundance observed in the present day universe. These light mediators in turn provide new channels for the production and detection of dark matter at high intensity electron and proton beam dumps and colliders. We focus specifically on the ability of fixed target neutrino experiments and proton beam dumps to produce a relativistic dark matter beam that could be detected through neutral-current-like interactions in detectors sensitive to relativistic neutrinos. We will demonstrate the ability of LSND and MiniBooNE to place limits on sub-GeV dark matter scenarios, and how experimental efforts like CENNS, SHiP and the Short Baseline Neutrino program at Fermilab could be used to improve on these limits in the future.

[Seminar] Dr. Patrick de Niverville (IBS-CTPU), Mar. 27th, 2018