[Seminar] Prof. Akimichi Taketa (University of Tokyo), May. 30th, 2016

We are delighted to announce that there is a seminar with Prof. Akimichi Taketa in Sungkyunkwan University Natural Science Campus on May 30th. Please join and welcome his talk together.

* Speaker: Prof. Akimichi Taketa (Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), University of Tokyo)

* Time: May 30th (Mon.), 4:30 PM

* Location: Seminar room, 7th floor of Samsung Library, Sungkyunkwan Univ. Natural Science Campus 

* Title: An Introduction to QED : Cross Section How To

* Abstract: The aim of this seminar is to teach you how to calculate the neutrino cross section from Feynman diagram. Feynman rules for QED, trace identities of gamma matrices, Lorentz invariant phase space, and scattering amplitudes will be described.

[Seminar] Prof. Akimichi Taketa (University of Tokyo), May. 30th, 2016